
  • Anchor symbol Lighting Device

    The symbol of hope and steadfastness. The combination of decision and excitement for the unknown. We raise our Anchor and venture forth into a new era of our life. We drop our Anchor when we become steadfast in a Decision making progress... Whatever the occasion is... led lighting Anchor is the best way to express it.

  • Anchor symbol Lighting Device

    The symbol of hope and steadfastness. The combination of decision and excitement for the unknown. We raise our Anchor and venture forth into a new era of our life. We drop our Anchor when we become steadfast in a Decision making progress... Whatever the occasion is... led lighting Anchor is the best way to express it.

  • Snowflake symbol Lighting Device

    The perfect symbol -according Zen philosophy- of life and the events that comprise it. It is common used to describe that everything happens for a reason because... `a snowflake never falls in the wrong place`. Use this unique led lighting symbol to your interior.

  • Symbol Ampersand Lighting Device

    This small but yet significant character was once the 27th part of the alphabet. It was formed from the perfect curved Roman scribes. The curved word `et` was seeing as an `&`. The strongest led lighting symbol to indicate connection.

  • Anchor symbol Lighting Device

    The symbol of hope and steadfastness. The combination of decision and excitement for the unknown. We raise our Anchor and venture forth into a new era of our life. We drop our Anchor when we become steadfast in a Decision making progress... Whatever the occasion is... led lighting Anchor is the best way to express it.

Product Category and Description

Symbols are everywhere in modern society
Communicating with symbols is unique to the human species – in fact, it’s one of the standout features that distinguishes us from all other life.
From Anchor to Snowflake, to Hashtag and the famous Star of David, choose your own meaningful significant led lighting symbol!

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